Binga Blog

Faith Lutheran College, Redlands

Monday 22 August 2011

We started today with Mr Pope giving a farewell speech and a warming morning devotion. As we left the College keen for Mount Binga, but not the three hour drive, we all had no idea if we could really survive twenty eight days without any technology at all. At about halfway through the trip to Mount Binga we stopped off just before Esk and had a morning tea break which included a can of drink, chips, muesli bars, Tim Tams and lollies. It was great to stop for a little while and have a break before setting off again for another one and a half hours of driving. The rest of the way some of us talked, some had competitions on who could count the most amounts of cows and some tried to have a nap. When we arrived at Mount Binga we grabbed our bags and were assigned to our rooms where we settled in quickly and found everything quickly. After settling in we had lunch. When we had finally finished lunch we were briefed on the campuses expectations and regulations. We then had afternoon tea and were assigned to our duties.
Connor B-M, Eve, Emma

The morning started off cold and wet, but this didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of our students and parents. They were excited to have the opportunity to experience what would be an amazing time at the Mount Binga Outdoor Education Facility. The students said their goodbyes and after a few tears they got on the bus and started to sing songs and cheer with enthusiasm. Morning tea at Wivenhoe was pleasant, some enjoying the company of colourful parrots and just sitting in the warm sun. We eventually made it to the Binga camp and the students already were excited over the cows and horses. They were welcomed with the kind faces of the Mt Binga staff and they settled in with ease. All the students had smiles on their faces.

Mrs Courtney Nissen
Pastoral Care Teacher

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August 22, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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